Friday, December 22, 2017


I know I said I would publish something last week as soon as I got the car, but as usual my best intentions were OBE. "Johnny" came out looking great, as you will see below. That Saturday he made his debut at Williamsburg Cars & Coffee in the 25ºF cold and then we headed up to Richmond to rendezvous with the Central Virginia Section of the MBCA for "Burgers & Benz." Fortunately, the temperatures soared into the upper thirties by the time the burgers hit the grill. It was a small turnout, quite unremarkable for Johnny's initial event; however, with the "refurb" taking longer than expected the idea of a late summer/early fall coming out became moot. Never mind. We've been on a few good outings since then, including our initial drive to WoWs (Wise Old Winos) and just a few spins along the back roads nearby, one of which concluded just minutes ago.

I stopped by Auto Zone today hoping to score some ceramic-brass fuses to replace the ceramic-aluminum ones still in the fuse box, but Auto Zone doesn't even carry them. I ddi not feel like all over hell's half acre looking for some, so I'll just check on-line or head to the dealers and pay stealer prices for them.

There are a number of things yet to do - and I keep adding to the list of items required; however, the heavy lifting is complete, for now. In the next several days I hope to list all that was done (not previously listed) during "Johnny's refurbishment. For now let's just say I spent a lot more on the car since acquiring it than I spent acquiring it.

Ready for launch 12/14/2017

Delivery 12/14/2017

Motley Crew

C&C Williamsburg, VA 12/16/2017

Burgers & Benz MBCA Central Virginia Section
Richmond, VA 12/16/2017


Pretty Boy

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 Johnny is on the block! After seven years of ownership, we have decided to pass JC on to his next keeper. All of the heavy lifting has been...