Friday, December 22, 2017


I know I said I would publish something last week as soon as I got the car, but as usual my best intentions were OBE. "Johnny" came out looking great, as you will see below. That Saturday he made his debut at Williamsburg Cars & Coffee in the 25ºF cold and then we headed up to Richmond to rendezvous with the Central Virginia Section of the MBCA for "Burgers & Benz." Fortunately, the temperatures soared into the upper thirties by the time the burgers hit the grill. It was a small turnout, quite unremarkable for Johnny's initial event; however, with the "refurb" taking longer than expected the idea of a late summer/early fall coming out became moot. Never mind. We've been on a few good outings since then, including our initial drive to WoWs (Wise Old Winos) and just a few spins along the back roads nearby, one of which concluded just minutes ago.

I stopped by Auto Zone today hoping to score some ceramic-brass fuses to replace the ceramic-aluminum ones still in the fuse box, but Auto Zone doesn't even carry them. I ddi not feel like all over hell's half acre looking for some, so I'll just check on-line or head to the dealers and pay stealer prices for them.

There are a number of things yet to do - and I keep adding to the list of items required; however, the heavy lifting is complete, for now. In the next several days I hope to list all that was done (not previously listed) during "Johnny's refurbishment. For now let's just say I spent a lot more on the car since acquiring it than I spent acquiring it.

Ready for launch 12/14/2017

Delivery 12/14/2017

Motley Crew

C&C Williamsburg, VA 12/16/2017

Burgers & Benz MBCA Central Virginia Section
Richmond, VA 12/16/2017


Pretty Boy

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I received an email earlier today saying Johnny is ready to come marching home. Unfortunately, I’m in California so the pickup will have to wait until tomorrow. I’m pretty chuffed about the whole thing as the last time I checked in the car looked fantastic. Certainly, there are a number of things yet to address, such as the dash and wood trim, the cruise control and timing chain guides (to be done prophylactically), but the worst of it is over. Simon and the body shop at Auto Haus Classics have been able to wash away many years of differed and poor maintenance and outright neglect. We’ve also added a few touches to make it my own. I’ll be posting some pictures here tomorrow night after the pickup and short (or maybe long) drive so we can get reacquainted after seven months of separation.

Saturday, December 2, 2017


A most amazing thing happened this week. On Monday I sent the Becker Model 754 radio back to Becker via ExpressMail along with an explaination as to what happened. Remember, this is after I called them last week and talked to then ablut the Model 754 being incorrect for a 1988 SEC. Late yesterday I received the "new," i.e., correct Model 780 radio back with a note saying to the effect Becker are comping me for shipping and the extra cost of the Model 780 over the Model 754. I think that is a damn, fine, splended gesture and it just goes to show you there are still companies out there that believe in customer service. Although the radio came too late to take by the shop on Friday, my darling Avril will deliver it to Simon on Monday as I am off to slip the surlies yet again.

Am hoping by the end of this coming week we can finally say: Hereee's Johnny!

Stay tuned.

If you don't know where you are going any road can thake you there.

Hals und Beinbruch!

 Johnny is on the block! After seven years of ownership, we have decided to pass JC on to his next keeper. All of the heavy lifting has been...