Friday, February 24, 2017

Wheeeeere's Johnny Day 10 - Final Day

Ten days, 3,477.8 miles, 13 tanks of gas and one quart of oil later “Johnny” and I arrived home safe and sound late Wednesday afternoon. This epic journey to collect Johnny and drive across country to visit friends and relatives, living and dead, came off without any catastrophic mechanical failures, flat tires or failure to perform on Johnny’s part, or mine for that matter.

The final day was probably the least interesting and eventful of the trip. I awoke early and we were on the road by 5:40 aye-em from Oxford, Alabama. The rainstorm that we pushed through on Monday, which caught up to us later that night, we passed through again Tuesday afternoon only for it to catch and pass us once again overnight made it inevitable that we would catch it again in the morning. Unfortunately, the timing coincided with reaching Atlanta during rush hour. Yet again I turned a deaf ear to Ms. Waze’s directions in what I thought would be a better route during Atlanta’s rush hour frenzy. BIG mistake. Waze wanted me to continue straight through downtown on I-75/85 and I thought that would just be insane. Certainly, taking the I-285 around the city would avoid the worst of the traffic. Wrongo moose breath. The traffic on the loop was crawling at 5 mph, therefore, I reevaluated Waze’s input and we thence proceeded through the streets of Atlanta to link back up with I-75/85 somewhere in the vicinity of the Georgia Tech campus.

Once clear of Atlanta the drive was smooth sailing except for the interminable construction zones, although the rain abated for a while. I did make one unscheduled stop at the Red Hook Brewery outside of Raleigh, NC. My neighbor turned me on to Red Hook awhile back, so I thought why not? I picked up a case for him and one for myself and got a brief peek at the operation too boot. Full brewery tours are only done on Friday afternoons. Back underway, we managed to make good time and hit the rain yet again as we crossed into Virginia. Undaunted, we pressed on and arrived home at 5:40 pee-em, exactly 11 hours after starting out that morning. For you math wizards you have to take the time zone change into account for the arithmetic to work.

I now have a laundry list of items to address and as I finally get around to writing this Johnny has already been delivered to Auto Haus’ Classic Center in Williamsburg, Virginia for evaluation towards a sympathetic restoration. Initial reaction by the staff and owner was favorable, so I look forward to the final result, if there ever is such a thing, if not the final bill. I’ll keep you posted.

Would I do this trip again? Certainly! But I think I’ll wait a wee bit before doing it again. I couldn’t have done any of this without the encouragement and support of my darling wife Avril. When I first broached the subject of buying the car and then later driving it across country, Avril was all for it even though it would leave her holding down the fort here at home while I was gallivanting across the country in our Eighties Mercedes. Somebody should write a song…


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 Johnny is on the block! After seven years of ownership, we have decided to pass JC on to his next keeper. All of the heavy lifting has been...